Have you been given the honor of officiating a wedding and now it’s time to put together the ceremony script? If you have never performed a wedding before this may feel like a daunting task. After all, it is such an important day in the lives of two people – any minister would feel some pressure to make sure it goes smoothly. So for those wondering how to write a wedding ceremony script, what is legally required of you, I'm here to assist you. I have created a Ceremony Workbook that provides you with the exact ceremony that suits your needs. I can work with your friend or family member and help them create your perfect ceremony.
Wedding Workbook Access:
Minister Deb assists friend or family member write ceremony:
Full Service: Minister Deb writes the ceremony, the friend or family member officiates the ceremony.
Premarital Counseling
Often times, couples get caught up in the excitement of planning their wedding but have not yet discussed finances, family dynamics, living together, religion, household chores and what to expect during and after the ceremony. I recommend two sessions of marriage coaching to be completed prior to the big day. In my experience, discussing these important topics prior to the wedding, is a great way to prevent problems during the wedding planning process which can carry over into married life. $75 per session. *Note: I am not a licensed therapist. I will refer you to an experienced therapist for pre-marriage counseling if needed.
"The Wedding Coaching sessions we did were really beneficial. We talked over delicate topics and had a chance to communicate our different needs. It was a great investment in 'us' that has proven to be helpful far beyond the wedding".